Raymond Bard nato nel 1972 Autore del Benessere Olistico e autore di diversi Gruppi e Progetti

Raymond Bard wellness coach dal 1998

Raymond Bard : Un'anima poliedrica al servizio del benessere Nato il 12 gennaio 1972 a Catania e residente a Bergamo , è un uomo dal profilo multiforme, dedito al fitness, al benessere e alla crescita interiore. La sua passione per questo ambito affonda le radici nel 1995, anno in cui inizia ad esplorare, sperimentare e applicare diverse discipline. Esperienza e competenze: Personal trainer olistico: Offre un approccio completo al benessere, integrando fitness, alimentazione, energie sottili e discipline orientali. Operatore olistico: Pratica diverse discipline occidentali e orientali, tra cui bioenergie, vibrazioni, frequenze, fotoni e fisica quantistica. Motivatore e ristrutturatore di stile di vita: Aiuta le persone a trasformare la propria vita in meglio, insegnando loro a gestire eventi a catena, dualità, causa-effetto, legge del Karma, mentalità e realtà, livelli di coscienza. Esperto di energie: Educa e gestisce le energie visibili e invisibili, insegnando tecniche di rilassamento, antistress, pensiero positivo, legge dell'attrazione, meditazione e respirazione. Guida per la crescita interiore: Propone metodi innovativi per una crescita interiore rapida e proficua, basati sulla conoscenza delle energie vibrazionali. Consulente e ideatore di progetti: Offre consulenza e supporto per la creazione di progetti sociali, educativi, ricreativi e culturali. Insegnante di positività e legge di attrazione: Trasmette principi di positività, legge dell'attrazione, legge di risonanza, tecniche esoteriche, creazione di preghiere, mantra e frasi magiche. Esperto di discipline olistiche: Pratica e insegna ginnastica posturale, riequilibrio energetico dei chakra, mental training, visualizzazione, psicologia dello sport e del rendimento lavorativo. Ricercatore scientifico autonomo: Conduce studi e sperimenti su magnetismo, cristalloterapia, vibrazioni e frequenze benefiche, fisica quantistica, esoterismo, vitalismo, Karma, politeismo, campane tibetane, sciamanesimo, tantra, yoga, magia d'amore e altro ancora. Allenatore personalizzato: Offre un servizio di personal training di alto livello a vip, manager, personaggi famosi e non, con un approccio olistico che si concentra sul benessere a 360 gradi. Creatore di contenuti: Crea, gestisce e anima gruppi, community, pagine e post sui social network a scopo sociale, formativo e umanitario. RiNato è un professionista appassionato e versatile, sempre pronto ad aiutare le persone a raggiungere il loro massimo potenziale. Il suo approccio olistico al benessere lo rende un punto di riferimento per chi desidera migliorare la propria vita a livello fisico, mentale e spirituale. Se sei alla ricerca di una guida esperta e motivata per il tuo percorso di crescita personale, Raymond Bard è la persona giusta per te. Dal 2024 Disponibile solo per gli iscritti a questo sito internet e tramite tessera associativa con Namaste International Community aps

11 luglio 2014

My projects - Can you help me?

My projects - Can you help me?

On my projects ... 

I think that to be happy in life each of us must do what he does best ... or rather it is genetically predisposed and spiritually ...

In a few words what the heart and our intuition recommends .... (not what the duty and the fear commands us to do) 

We're not all the same ...

We are very different from each other ... even more of the various species of the animal world divided by race. .. 

To each his own role

Think of a dog or a horse who exercise throughout their lives, to be able to swim better than a dolphin or a shark ...

Try or attempt to fly a chicken .... or blow up a elephant .... 
Each of us has specific genetic predispositions and roles in this existence ... 

What happens if you live a life not yours? If yu not execute your task .... existential  

encounter many difficulties or unforeseen events and or diseases that will try to make you change your way ... 
You think it's bad luck .... but is the universal balance and your pure being that you change your plans .... plans which take account of anything but of spiritual evolution. ...

More and more the universe wrong way puts the walls 

ahead of ... 
for you to go back

Certainly the size of your duties in this life ....  
is proportional to your spiritual greatness.

What are my plans:

- Create a network of "special" people (positive, constructive, altruistic, sympathetic)   who help and support ... people with common ideas and joint projects with the growth and improvement of their welfare, buy Timeshare and share spaces and commons ...  
We might start Bergano Monza in Milan

- Create a network of people camping and eco villages for  special places where there will be a life suitable for what we really are ... 
Have you ever made ​​a 'experience in the RV or camping? 
If you are sensitive and talented people you will definitely be passed to mind what it means to live free and happy with little money .... then if we add more of my ideas ..  
"is heaven."

- Create a network of solidarity between employers and workers similar to each other ...  
That Entrepreneurs good soul who manage workers good soul (not slavery or fannulloneria) 
(can not imagine the evil that create some employers to their workers bad good, the bad and the workers and destructive to good and constructive entrepreneurs) 
Finally we put the good with good ... through an assessment of the staff completely different from the one known today ....

- Create centers or shelters for people with neurodegenerative diseases caused by unfair and made ​​a life of suffering .... 
 Recreational centers and assistance for people in need or people alone against a system of injustice and indifference ... 
(I speak casualties type: Fathers separated, workers affected by workplace bullying, work related stress, occupational diseases, people abused physically and psychologically, people unhappy because they have not been able to express and realize the lotus gift or talent ...

- Create special schools, special training courses for individuals (indigo) or hyperactive individuals, creative and sensitive.   
Indigo Individuals who are they?

courses that help individuals with special towards a new life suits them .. 
A new existence made ​​up of union awareness and energy ... 

We were born to play, invent and build .... live  
in a world of love,      
I have already designed the new world of work cut out for us .. 
I'm tired of seeing special individuals and big brains to work as slaves in factories or offices sottostando to emeriti and mentally retarded idiots ....

- Create a small library of books on wellness, esoteric, Eastern philosophies, bio-energy, positivity, quantum physics, natural remedies etc..  
 (I provide hundreds of books in my possession)  
Inside the books you read and interpret maybe drinking a herbal tea this ... even in a large house or villa. 
imagine reading a good book in a place with lots of windows where the sun's rays come in comfortable armchairs in wood surrounded with plants and birds.

- Give the opportunity for many boys and men do not do special jobs not suited to their genetic gifts and spiritual .. (I already have a program) 

In my life I've seen too many brilliant individuals, wonders, artists, designers do the work and shameful degrading of their bodies and for their great soul ... 
The special individuals will have to work as consultants for big decisions ... 
Their great hyper-mental activity will serve to create better optimize ... 
E 'come forward that mankind really understand who is the best individual among us ... 

Have an idea? 

Want to help me realize my plans? 

Been to those who help me to finance my  


If you share this post .. it is already the first step 

 towards the realization ... 

Telephone, sms 320 2181316  
(formerly Milan, Bergamo, Monza, Lecco)


that you share ...
That this message gets to the right person ....
and .. contact me ... images to understand ...

In the last few decades of my life I've learned a lot ... 
I've met hundreds of people ... 
 Among these many different, special, enlightened, rich, poor, sick, dying, criminals, murderers, lunatics, false, scientists, sports , doctors, lawyers ... 
While many people make collections of bills, clothes, cars, and other people ... But I collect experiences and realities calculating and interpreting the events in the chain that triggers every person in every choice ... Today I can make available to my inner wealth to those who want to change their lives ... To those who provide their wealth to convert it into outer and inner wealth constructive actions for themselves and the next .... In my existence I have seen many people millionaires  living with depression, alone and abandoned, sick with cancer and other diseases praying an angel or a God to be able to convert their money into the company smiles .. love .. Of course this is not easy given that most rich people money and other possessions starting to become a believer, good, caring only at the point of death or serious illness ..... Why should you help me? Because each of us has the task of improving this world trying to encourage people to good will and intentions .... .... and because you will have a gain of constructive and evolutionary ... Thanks                                             Raymond Bard

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